Monday, June 7, 2010

old style thinking

I am currently re-reading the Pilgrim's Progress and was fascinated by how John B had so much information pertaining to good works. Nearly everything was by what evaluated by what you did and you were judged based upon your actions. Although what you do, did not make them xian, but it was why they did those things. The why was not to earn grace or earn the rewards of the new kingdom, it was an overflow of the joy that was in the heart. that is why we should do good things, because that is our response to the grace that was bestowed upon us. If a person continually does crap, crap is in the heart. If a person does good, good is in the heart, then you look at the motivation behind the good works.

It should be easy to see how does crap and assume they are not xain or they have little understanding of what has happened. They either need to be educated if they claim Jesus, or they should be witnessed to. For those who do crap, and claim to be xain and say they don't need anymore education of Jesus should be tossed aside and your efforts put to someone who will listen process change their heart.

Sorry for the incomplete thought for this post, more to come and more to understand, for me anyways.

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